
Testimonials and Reviews
"I’ve been a developer of residential and commercial properties in Greater Vancouver for over the past thirty-five years. My projects include high rises, shopping centres and multi-family buildings.
I had retained Ed Lim as a structural engineer in a duplex conversion, as he came highly recommended.
Ed maintains a high level of competencies in a broad range of engineering areas. I’ve found what is unique about him is his broad knowledge and I’m impressed with extensive network. If something falls outside of his area of expertise, he always knows who to go to for the necessary information.
More importantly, I’ve found that Ed is hands on with his projects. I believe he’s unique in the engineering profession in that it’s rare to find senior engineers of his caliber who continue to design and conduct field reviews.
I also appreciate that Ed provides highly detailed written reports.
I highly recommend Ed Lim, without hesitation. He is competent, diligent, thorough and professional."
Randall Jang
Residential and Commercial Property Developer
"As the Chief Building Official, I had reviewed and inspected at least twenty-five of Edward Lim’s engineering designs and construction projects. These included timber frame, standard frame and contemporary buildings he was involved with.
My experience with Ed Lim and his engineering designs is that they were as good as any other senior engineers’ who applied common sense and logic.
Ed was always timely, detailed and responsive, whenever I’d asked him to supply further information on the projects he was working on.
I’ve found Ed to be a highly competent engineer with a warm, friendly manner – a real professional who has the ability to quickly and effectively adapt his project designs to the physical conditions and building code requirements."
John Hidi
Former Chief Building Inspector (40+ Years Experience)
"I was the General Manager for a major 141 room hotel in Whistler. We had engaged Ed as the structural and construction engineer for a number of capital improvements. Ed designed, inspected and signed off on each of the projects.
I would describe Ed as an engineer who has integrity. I found him to be honorable, hardworking, honest, trustworthy, reliable and punctual. He was always there when we needed him.
In fact, I fully relied on Ed to supervise the work of the contractors. Not only did he give us the peace of mind that what we were doing was on the right track, but Ed also helped to free up my time to focus on the other priorities of managing a world class hotel.
It was great to have him on our team."
Pablo Contreras
Former General Manager – Whistler Hotel
"Over the past eight years, I’ve worked closely with Ed Lim on a number of projects throughout the Lower Mainland and the Sea to Sky Corridor. I’ve found Ed to not only be a highly competent professional structural engineer, but he also has a deep understanding of human nature.
I’ve witnessed Ed providing calm, cool guidance in a number of intense situations that had arisen in the rough and tumble world of property development. He is a good listener, a great problem solver and a servant leader.
I believe these qualities enable him to move challenging projects forward with humour, practicality and common sense. Ed Lim is a true professional in my books."
Andrew Scott
Architect, Designer and Commercial Real Estate Agent

"I’m a developer and builder working in a Whistler development site known as “Rainbow.”
Ed had been the structural engineer for all the homes in the development and continues to be our engineer of choice for the remaining phases.
Ed is very professional and friendly. When it comes to engineering designs, he considers two important factors: safety in the construction and he also looks after budgets. He keeps a good balance between the engineering designs and costs.
Ed is very easy to work with. He’s always available and comes up with alternative workable solutions to challenging construction problems.
As a professional engineer, Ed is always taking new courses - learning about new techniques, new materials and new construction systems.
This makes you feel comfortable that you’re being directed to build with the most up to date construction systems and materials.
I would recommend Ed one hundred percent to anybody with new projects."
Luis Garcia
Rainbow Garcia/Big Bang Construction
"I’d first met Ed Lim around twelve years ago when he was the engineer for our Revival and Learning Centre which also houses our administrative offices.
What I appreciate about working with Ed is that he is thorough, yet flexible in his approach.
Ed understands that a construction project needs to flow, so he will always make himself available for inspections and advise in a timely manner.
Through the years, Ed’s engineering advice to us has always been highly practical and easily understandable.
As well, I’ve found him to be very knowledgeable as he stays current with today’s technology and practice. He has a very friendly, easy going personality, yet maintains a high level of professionalism. He is a pleasure to work with."
Roger Unrau
Business Administrator, Summit Pacific College